Dental treatments

All our treatments

Emergency dentalcare

If you have a toothache, damaged teeth, inflammation, or other urgent problems, call or email us today! We have experienced...

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Prevention means doing everything you can to prevent dental problems before they occur ...

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Dental fear

Do you feel anxious or fearful about going to the dentist? Does it feel scary to sit in the dentist's chair? ...

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Tartar and discoloration

Removing tartar and cleaning your teeth is essential for good oral health, especially for those who are at an increased risk of experiencing periodontal disease....

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Invisible braces

This orthodontic method involves splints that you use to move the teeth. The bars are transparent and cannot be seen when you laugh or talk...

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Bed rehabilitation

Sometimes a more extensive restoration of the bite is required to restore effective chewing function and ensure long-term durability ...

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Dental implants

Our skilled dentists at Gloss & Floss Dental Care® offer dental implants that are attached to the tooth bone with a titanium screw....

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Surgical Procedures and Dental Operations

At Gloss & Floss Dental Care®, we offer all types of dental surgery, including the removal of wisdom teeth and root remnants and replacement with dental implants or crowns and bridges....

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Sedation for Relaxed Dentistry

Sedation is a valuable tool for managing dental anxiety and facilitating major procedures to achieve optimal treatment outcomes ...

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Second Opinion

Feeling unsure if your dentist has proposed the right treatment at a reasonable price?

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Public dental care


A dental examination involves a thorough examination of the mouth. How often should you seek dental care, dentists ...

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Not all patients sitting in the dentist's chair need X-rays. We follow all rules and guidelines from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority...

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Preparation and filling

Restorations and fillings are common forms of dental care that aim to repair and protect teeth that have suffered decay or other damage...

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Tooth loss treatment

Tooth loss begins with gum inflammation, caused by bacteria and plaque. Smoking, poor oral hygiene and heredity increase risk....

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Tooth grinding

Are you experiencing discomfort due to teeth grinding? It can lead to problems such as fractures, tension headaches and muscle soreness ...

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Tartar and discoloration

Removing tartar and cleaning your teeth is essential for good oral health, especially for those who are at an increased risk of experiencing periodontal disease....

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Bite rail

Bite splint is used when you have problems from the jaw joints and chewing muscles. Using a bite splint is common and effective...

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Root canal treatment

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Aesthetic dentistry

Wire lift

Porcelain veneers and porcelain crowns are both aesthetic dental restorations that use porcelain as a material....

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Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening involves a variety of options, such as internal whitening, laser whitening (light whitening) and home whitening products...

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Muscle relaxing treatments

Muscle relaxant treatments have been used by doctors for a long time to treat...

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Prosthetic Treatments

Crowns and Bridges

Prosthetics involves the replacement of lost teeth to restore both aesthetics and function in the mouth....

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Porcelain substitutes

Effective porcelain restorations Our porcelain restorations are designed to meet the needs of different dental problems....

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Fixed Tooth Supported Prosthetics

To ensure long-term stability and comfort, we offer fixed tooth-supported prosthetics....

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Removable prostheses

A removable denture provides a flexible solution to replace lost teeth....

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